1. M. R. Tang, H. K. Tsai, and S. C. Lee, 2020, “The Building Process of the Water Exclusion Zone under the illumination of Torsion Field.”
The water exclusion zone (EZ) developed between the hydrophilic surface and the bulk water are believed to be the common phenomenon near the cell membrane.Typically, the EZ width extended up to tens or hundreds of micrometers from the vicinity of the hydrophilic surfaces, it should cause tremendous biological effect when EZ water surrounds the cells and affect the ion channels on the cell membrane. (download)
1. W. L. Huang, M. R. Tang, C. H. Hong, and S. C. Lee, 2019, “Investigation of bond oscillation assisted olfactory perception by exciting the molecular chemical bonds using specific IR wavelengths,” AIP Advances 9, 075020.
The principle of olfactory perception had been widely studied. The core of the olfactory theory is based on two different mechanisms or the combination of the two. The fi rst is the shape (weak shape) theory that the olfactory receptor only accepts the molecule with a complementary shape (lock to the key)…(download)
AIP Scilight Investigation當期封面介紹請見此 (詳全文)
1. C.T. Kuo, F. T. Chuang, P. Y. Wu, Y. C. Lin, H. K. Liu, G. S. Huang, T. C. Tsai, C. Y. Chi, Andrew M. Wo, H. Y. Lee, and S. C. Lee, 2019, ” Experimental Demonstration of Bindingless Signal Delivery in Human Cells via Microfluidics,” Journal App. Phys., 116, 044702.
The cellular signal transduction is commonly believed to rely on the direct “contact” or “binding”of the participating molecule reaction that depends positively on the corresponding molecule concentrations. In living systems, however, it is somewhat difficult to precisely match the corresponding rapid “binding,” depending on the probability of molecular collision, existing in the cellular receptor-ligand interactions. (download)
2. C. T. Kuo, C. Y. Chi, P. Y. Wu, F. T. Chuang, Y. C. Lin, H. K. Liu, G. S. Huang, T. C. Tsai, Andrew M. Wo, H. Y. Lee, and S. C. Lee, 2016, “Observation of “wired” cell communication over 10-lm and 20-lm poly(dimethylsiloxane) barriers in tetracycline inducible expression systems,” Journal App Phys., 119, 024702.
我們證明生物化學的抗原抗體分子反應時,兩分子不需要直接接觸,有一X信息 可以穿透中間阻隔物導致化學反應..
Communication between cells and extracellular environments is of interest because of its critical roles in cell development and differentiation. Particularly, this signal transduction is commonly believed to rely on the contact and binding of the participating molecules/proteins, suggesting that the binding distance needed is less than a few nanometers…(download)
3. C. T. Kuo, H. Y. Lee, and S. C. Lee, 2019, ” Evidence of “wired” drug-cell communication through micro-barrier well-array devices,” AIP Advances 9, 095025.
Treatments designed to intervene in conventional direct-drug-to-cell-binding communication have been hallmark approaches in designing new drug candidates. Given the random collision of molecules in living systems, this binding is laborious and too ineffective to precisely match the binding site. Therefore, it has been proposed that another non-chemical and non-electrical drug-cell communication channel, termed “bindingless” or “wired”, could exist to impact signal transduction. (download)
1. 李嗣涔,2014, “複數時空-解釋暗質、暗能、意識與特異功能之統一架構,” 佛學與科學,第一期,頁13-28.
2. S. C. Lee, 2019, “Complex Space-Time and Complex Quantum Mind—An Unified Platform to Explain the Large, Medium, and Small Scaled Mysteries of Universe and Consciousness,” Philosophy Study,Vol. 9, No. 5, 246-252 doi: 10.17265/2159-5313/2019.05.003.
The large scale universe is full of mystery; the dark matter and dark energy amount to respective 23% and 73% of the total energy of the universe, whereas the rest 4% of the total energy is attributed to the normal material world which can be comprehended by the present science. .(download)
3. 李嗣涔,2015, “一物兩象 – 手指識字與念力的可能生理機制,”佛學與科學,第二期,頁73-80。
真實的宇宙是八度的複數時空,除了我們所熟知的四度實數時空 ( 三度空間、一度時間 ) 也就是「陽間」以外,還有一個四度的虛數時空也就是「陰間」,是意識的世界。由這個統一架構我建議所有在實數空間的物體由於都是由原子構成,原子中每一個基本粒子都有自旋,都有通往虛數時空的通道…(詳全文)
1. 李嗣涔,2017,”陰陽糾纏的氣場 – 風水的科學根據 ,” 佛學與科學,第二期, 頁40-54。
自古以來中國人篤信風水,認為人的吉凶禍福、甚至仕途前程都受到住屋或祖墳方位環境、規模和形式的影響。科學昌明以後,風水被視為迷信而逐漸式微,只有少數人基於本身經驗或祖傳教導仍堅信不疑。 我們於 2014 年為瞭解釋宇宙大中小尺度的謎團例如 : 大尺度佔宇宙全部能量百分之九十六的暗質加暗能、中尺度的人體特異功能;小尺度的超光速傳遞資訊的量子糾纏;提出兩大假設 : (詳全文)
2. 李嗣涔,2016,”水晶氣場的物理本質-撓場 ,” 佛學與科學,第二期, 頁59-72。
氣功師父會發放不同形式的外氣,可以對試管內的細胞產生明顯的促進或抑制生長的效應,外氣的本質不是身體的生理或心理現象,而是物理的能量包括震波及紅外線。還有一種氣與人體無關例如從古以來就有傳說水晶、隕石、房屋、花草樹木、山川、地理環境等有氣,有些氣功高手或特異功能人士也可以感覺到這些氣。可是現代物理學所知道的自然界只有四種力場 :萬有引力、電磁力、強弱作用力。(詳全文)
3. 李嗣涔,2015, “氣的振盪器-基於水晶氣場與特殊字彙及圖案的交互作用,” 佛學與科學,第一期, 頁7-21。
4. M. R. Tang, H. K. Tsai, and S. C. Lee, 2020, “The Building Process of the Water Exclusion Zone under the illumination of Torsion Field.”
The water exclusion zone (EZ) developed between the hydrophilic surface and the bulk water are believed to be the common phenomenon near the cell membrane.Typically, the EZ width extended up to tens or hundreds of micrometers from the vicinity of the hydrophilic surfaces, it should cause tremendous biological effect when EZ water surrounds the cells and affect the ion channels on the cell membrane. (download)
1. 李嗣涔,2016, “心靈的結構與物理,”佛學與科學,第一期,頁6-16。
數百年來在唯物哲學主導科學發展的趨勢下,心靈被認為是大腦複雜神經網路所湧現的性質,並非實體而屬於第二性的,依附第一性的大腦而存在,只能從哲學或心理學層面予以描述其性質,並不具有物理的本質存在。我由 8 度複數時空宇宙模型 (4 度實數加 4 度虛數 ) 出發提出建議…(詳全文)
1. 李嗣涔,1989, “以刺激法引氣感之產生,” 國立台灣大學工程學刊,第四十六期,頁117-125。
我們由氣功內外氣的性質推論,增強腦中α 波 (8-13Hz) 之振幅是引發及增強”氣感”之生理基礎。因此我們設計使用外在刺激的方法(如閃光)及內在刺激方法(如快速的思想)去激發氣感。實驗發現在每次成功的練器過程中,不論用閃光或思想,均能瞬間大幅增強α 之主峰振福…(詳全文)
2. 李嗣涔,1990,”氣功態及氣功外氣之紅外線頻譜,” 國立台灣大學工程學刊,第四十九期,頁97-108。
3. 李嗣涔,張楊全,1991, “由腦α 波所定義的兩種氣功態” J. Chin Med 2 (1): 30-46.
我們測量了氣功師父在練氣時腦α 波振幅之變化,由此發現了兩種不同的氣功態。第一種狀態腦α 波之尖峰功率大幅降低,我們定義為「入定態」。第二種狀態剛好相反,腦α 波之尖峰功率大幅增加,定義為「共振態」。另外從實驗數據推論…(詳全文)
4. C. H. Chien, Julia J. Tsuei, S. C. Lee, Y. C. Huang, and Y. H. Wei, 1991, “Effect of Emitted Bioenergy on Biochemical Functions of Cells” American Journal of Chinese Medicine , Vol. XIX, Nos. 3-4., 285-292.
The 3-5 μm infrared spectra of the external “Qi” generated by a “Qigong” master from his palm was measured using a Ⅲ-V compound semiconductor InSb detector. It was found that certain Qigong master can emit two opposite kinds of “Qi” emission, large amount of infrared wave…(download)
1. 李嗣涔,1998, “手指識字(第三眼)之機制與相關生理檢測,” 中國人體科學,第八卷,第三期,頁105-113.
我們反覆測量了三位十多歲的小女孩的手指識字能力,證實她們可以只用手指觸摸內容有文字或有圖案折疊的紙捲,而在腦中形成屏幕,這些圖案之顏色及形狀會出現在屏幕上。其中一位經過212次實驗,我們發現了成功的幾項條件:小女孩手掌的溫度必須低於34度C.. .( 詳全文 )
2. 唐大崙,李嗣涔,許儷圈 ,2000, “手指識字之特異色覺與正常色覺的比較:一個個案研究,”頁 1-5。
本研究企圖區辨功能人在特異功能下之色彩感覺與正常視覺下之色彩感覺的差異,藉著這些比較,我們相信能進一步理解產生特異視覺的信息場運作特性與相對應腦功能的活動方式。實驗結果發現,外界提供的光源在功能人的特異視覺屏幕中可能扮演照明的角色…( 詳全文 )
3. 李嗣涔,1996,”固體產生宏觀量子波之可能成因,”中國人體科學,第六卷,第三期,頁111-113。
不少特異功能人士可以成功的讓藥片或晶體穿透玻璃瓶壁,甚至做出把活體榆樹金花蟲穿壁而出仍然存活的實驗。但是成功的條件是容壁必須有一條縫、小孔或有蓋子等,無縫的容器中移不出目標物。這種現象很像液體氦所出現的爬壁行為,是物質形成宏觀的量子..( 詳全文 )
4. 李嗣涔,1999,”心物合一與宏觀量子現象,”中國人體科學,第九卷,第三期,頁79-88。
5.李嗣涔,孫儲琳,沈今川,侯金日,1999, “意識調控花生起死回生之研究,” Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Vol. 9., No. 2., 52-54.
6. 李嗣涔,1999,”意識微雕,” 中國人體科學,第九卷,第四期,頁89-95。
功能人可以用意識聚能(念力)在硬幣上鉆孔,一般為直徑一毫米 (10-3 m)的圓錐洞。我們為了探求念力聚焦可能縮小之極限,在半導體矽的晶片上,製作 100 微米 (100 × 10 -6 m) 見方之正方形金膜陣列,要求功能人以意識聚能,在形金箔上作微形雕刻,例如打洞,畫線,畫圈或雕刻一有意義之符號。結果以意識雕出之線條最細可達到 1.3 微米…(詳全文)
1. S. C. Lee, Daren Tang, C. T. Chen, S. C. Fang, 2002, “Finger Reading: Exploring the Information Field,” the International Journal of Healing and Caring, Vol.2., No. 2., 1-25.
Some people are able to read images by using their fingers rather than their eyes. After nine years of investigation, we confirmed that children between 6 and 13 years old can be trained in finger-reading. An earlier report suggested …(download)
2. 李嗣涔,陳建德,唐大崙,” 由手指識字實驗辨識特殊關鍵字所觀察到的異象”。
我們反覆測量了三位 9到 17歲的青少年手指識字的能力,證實他們能用手指觸摸內容含有文字或圖案的折疊紙條,而在腦中用第三眼看到這些文字或圖案。文字與圖案的出現有時是一個部份接著一個部份依序出現,有時是整個字或圖形會同時出現,與文獻所描述的類似。但是當我們用一些特殊與佛道教有關的字如「佛」、「菩薩」、「唵嘛呢叭咪吽」…(詳全文)
3. 李嗣涔,張蘭石,”手指識字關鍵字與信息場之聯繫模式”。
4. 李嗣涔,2003,”遨遊有形與無形界,” 佛學與科學,第四期,頁32-44。
5. 李嗣涔,2002, “與信息場對話,”佛學與科學”, 第三期 , 頁68-79。
6. 李嗣涔,唐大崙,2004,”信息場與隱密物質和隱密能量的可能關連,” 佛學與科學,第七期, 頁47-58。
1. C. W. Wu, K. H. Chuang, S. C. Lee, C. P. Lin, J. H. Chen, “Finger Reading by Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.”
Some people are able to read images or words by using their fingers rather than their eyes. Such capability of finger reading has been studied since 1979. However, the mechanism of the finger-reading phenomenon is still a mystery and remains controversial…(download)
1. Y. J. Shiahand W. C. Carl Tam,2005, “Do Human Fingers “See” ?— “Finger-Reading” Studies in the East and Wes,” European Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 20.2, 117-134.
The “finger-reading” effect refers to successful touch identification to apparently flat targets on paper, where the participant is unable to see, or feel, any normal sensory cues to aid touch identification. Studies of this have been running for over 10 years in Taiwan. A quarter of children, after finger-reading training, appeared to be able to determine…(download)